姓 名:李清光


副教授,硕  导



1. 研究领域与方向


2. 学习与工作经历


2016.12 -2019.12,贵州大学,资源与环境工程学院,讲师



3. 学术任职及奖励



Fuel, Geology, Energy & FuelsEnergy Science & Engineering等期刊审稿人

4. 近年主持承担的主要科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金地区项目,42267033,喀斯特地区煤系黄铁矿氧化过程中硫歧化反应同位素分馏机理,2023/01-2026/12,在研,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金地区项目,41867050,喀斯特中高硫煤矿区矿井水酸化去气动力学过程及CO2排放规模研究,2019/01-2022/12,在研,主持

[3] 国家重点研发计划专题,2019YFC1805302,有色金属矿区地下水重金属运移模拟及污染通量量化,2020/01-2023/12,在研,专题负责人

[4] 贵州省基础研究计划,黔科合基础[2019]1096,基于一级反应动力学的矿井水酸化去气过程及其碳排放效应研究,2019/01-2021/12,结题,主持

[5] 贵州大学实验室开放项目,SYSKF2018-1-108,地下水DIC溯源的碳同位素地球化学研究,2018/01-2018/08,结题,主持

[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41772122,煤层水与煤层气主组分δ13C值的分布及δ13CDIC示踪指标的对比研究,2018/01-2021/12,结题,专题负责人

[7] 贵州大学人才培育项目,黔科合平台人才[2017]5788,基于瑞利分馏的矿井水酸化去气DIC碳同位素演化特征研究,2018/03-2020/03,结题,主持

[8] 贵州大学引进人才科研项目,贵大人基合字(201773号,矿井水酸化过程机制及DIC碳同位素响应特征-以织金矿区为例,2018.01-2019.12,结题,主持


5. 教学课程




6. 招生方向:地质学(地球化学方向)


7. 学术成果:代表性学术论文


[1] Li, Q., Wu, P., Li, X., Gu, S., Zhang, R., Zha, X., Qin, S. (2022). The effect of mining development in karst areas on water acidification and fluorine enrichment in surface watersheds. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 242: 113954

[2] Li, Q., Ju, Y., Gu, S., Wu, P., Wu, L., Xia, P., Chang, X.X. (2022). Coalbed Methane Accumulation Indicated by Geochemical Evidences from Fracture-filling Minerals in Huaibei coalfield, East China. Geochemistry International, 60(1), 52-66.

[3] Lu, Z., Li, Q. *, Ju, Y., Gu, S., Xia, P., Gao, W., & Gong, C. (2022). Biodegradation of coal organic matter associated with the generation of secondary biogenic gas in the Huaibei Coalfield. Fuel, 323, 124281.

[4] Huang, J., Li, Q.*, Wu, P., Wang, S., Guo, M., & Liu, K. (2022). The effects of weathering of coal-bearing stratum on the transport and transformation of DIC in karst watershed. Science of The Total Environment, 156436.

[5] Huang, J., Li, Q. *, Wu, P., Wang, S., Gu, S., Guo, M., & Fu, Y. (2022). The buffering of a riverine carbonate system under the input of acid mine drainage: Example from a small karst watershed, southwest China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 1020452.

[6] Lu, Z., Tao, M., Li, Q. *, Wu, P., Gu, S., Gao, W., & Yan, Z. (2022). Gas geochemistry and hydrochemical analysis of CBM origin and accumulation in the Tucheng syncline in western Guizhou Province. GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, GJ22005.

[7] Du, S., An, L., Huang, J., Li, Q. *, Wu, P., & Guo, X. (2022). Sources and migration characteristics of fluorine in the river water of a small karst watershed influenced by coal mining.Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1272.

[8] Li, Q., Wu, P., Zha, X., Li, X., Wu, L., & Gu, S. (2018). Effects of mining activities on evolution of water chemistry in coal-bearing aquifers in karst region of Midwestern Guizhou, China: evidences from δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon and δ34S of sulfate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(18), 18038-18048.

[9] Li, Q., Chen, P., Chen, J., & Hu, Y. (2018). Modes of occurrence of Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Pb in the main coal seams of southwestern China’s Nantong coalfield. Geochemistry International, 56(12), 1220-1232.

[10] Li, Q., Ju, Y., Chen, P., Sun, Y., Wang, M., Li, X., & Chen, J. (2017). Biomarker study of depositional paleoenvironments and organic matter inputs for Permian Coalbearing Strata in the Huaibei Coalfield, East China. Energy & Fuels, 31(4), 3567-3577.

[11] Li, Q., Ju, Y., Lu, W., Wang, G., Neupane, B., & Sun, Y. (2016). Water-rock interaction and methanogenesis in formation water in the southeast Huaibei coalfield, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, 435-447.

[12] Li, Q., Ju, Y., Bao, Y., Yan, Z., Li, X., & Sun, Y. (2015). Composition, origin, and distribution of coalbed methane in the Huaibei Coalfield, China. Energy & Fuels, 29(2), 546-555.

[13] Li, Q., JU, Y., SUN, Y., & BAO, Y. (2015). The Population Features of Methanogens and the Biodegradation of Hydrocarbons in Coal Organic Matters. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 1.

[14] 黄江浔,李清光*,安丽,杜双雪,郭兴强.喀斯特小流域地表水碳酸盐系统化学平衡对酸性矿山废水的缓冲作用[J/OL].中国岩溶:1-12[2022-11-04]. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/ 45.1157.P.20220817.1419.006.html

[15] 王晤岩,李清光*.淡水碳酸盐湖泊中CaCO3-—CO32—HCO3-—CO2化学平衡对CO2的缓冲作用——以贵州百花湖为例[J].中国岩溶,2021,40(04):572-579.

[16] 李清光,吴攀,顾尚义,刘沛,胡海洋,高为,龚朝兵,常溪溪.黔西某煤层气开发区块产出水有毒有害元素污染特征及其环境效应[J].地球科学,2019,44(09):2862-2873.

[17] 路照,李清光*.淮北煤田煤系有机质中多环芳烃(PAHs)来源与组成分析[J].煤炭与化工,2022,45(08):128-134.DOI:10.19286/j.cnki.cci.2022.08.036.

[18] 李清光*,王仕禄.滇池流域硝酸盐污染的氮氧同位素示踪[J].地球与环境,2012,40(03): 321-327. DOI:10.14050/j.cnki.1672-9250.2012.03.002.



[1] Chen, S., Zhang, C., Qiu, L., Li, Q., Zhang, K., & Luo, H. (2022). Biogeochemical transformation of sulfur and its effects on arsenic mobility in paddy fields polluted by acid mine drainage. Chemosphere, 293, 133605.

[2] Qin, S., Li, X., Wu, P., & Li, Q. (2022). Spatial–temporal variations and multi-statistical analysis of contaminants in the waters affected by acid-mining drainage in Karst area: a case of coal-mining area in Zhijin County. Environmental Earth Sciences, 81(10), 1-17.

[3] Wu, J., Yang, H., Yu, W., Yin, C., He, Y., Zhang, Z., Li, Q., & Chen, J. (2022). Effect of Ecosystem Degradation on the Source of Particulate Organic Matter in a Karst Lake: A Case Study of the Caohai Lake, China. Water, 14(12), 1867.

[4] Guo, Z., Gu, S., Li, Q., Zhang, T., Xie, X., & Zhao, F. (2022). Carbonate mineral controls the transport of Cd from tailings to surrounding soils: An example from Cd-rich niujiaotang Zn mine in Guizhou Province, southwest China. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 1045093.

[5] Li, X., Ju, Y., Song, Y., Yan, Z., & Li, Q. (2022). Particle Size and Internal Structure of Deformed Coal: Microstructure and Adsorption/Desorption Characteristics of CO2 and CH4. Front. Unconventional Natural Gas Geoscience, 10, 876196.

[6] Tan, D., Li, Q., Wang, S., Yeager, K. M., Guo, M., Liu, K., & Wang, Y. (2021). Diel variation of CH4 emission fluxes in a small artificial lake: Toward more accurate methods of observation. Science of The Total Environment, 784, 147146.

[7] Zhong, Y., Xia, P., Ning, S., Fu, Y., Li, Q., & Yu, Y. (2021). Geochemical characteristics and its geological application of over-mature Longmaxi shale gas in the northern Guizhou area, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(18), 1-9.

[8] Li, X., Zhang, R., Li, Q., Wu, P., & Ye, H. (2021). Rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in coal mine drainage from Southwest China: Geochemical distribution and resource evaluation. Science of The Total Environment, 782, 146904.

[9] Jiang, W., Xia, P., Li, Q., Fu, Y., & Mou, Y. (2020). Compositional and Isotopic Characteristics for The Longmaxi Shale Gas in The Northern Guizhou Area, South China.

[10] Chen, J., Chen, P., Yao, D., Huang, W., Tang, S., Wang, K., Li, Q., & Wang, R. (2018). Geochemistry of uranium in Chinese coals and the emission inventory of coal-fired power plants in China. International Geology Review, 60(5-6), 621-637.

[11] Ju, Y., Sun, Y., Sa, Z., Pan, J., Wang, J., Hou, Q., Li, Q., & Liu, J. (2016). A new approach to estimate fugitive methane emissions from coal mining in China. Science of the Total Environment, 543, 514-523.

[12] Wang, G., Ju, Y., Yan, Z., & Li, Q. (2015). Pore structure characteristics of coal-bearing shale using fluid invasion methods: A case study in the Huainan–Huaibei Coalfield in China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 62, 1-13.

[13] Bao, Y., Ju, Y., & Li, Q. (2015). Accumulation dynamics mechanism and gas origin of coalbed methane in Huainan and Huaibei coalfields, Eastern China. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 1.

[14] Ju, Y. W., Li, Q. G., Yan, Z. F., Sun, Y., & Bao, Y. (2014). Origin types of CBM and their geochemical research progress. Journal of China Coal Society, 39(5), 806-815.

[15] Ju, Y., Wang, G., Bu, H., Li, Q., & Yan, Z. (2014). China organic-rich shale geologic features and special shale gas production issues. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 6(3), 196-207.

[16] Wang, G., Ju, Y., Bao, Y., Yan, Z., Li, X., Bu, H., & Li, Q. (2014). Coal-bearing organic shale geological evaluation of Huainan–Huaibei Coalfield, China. Energy & Fuels, 28(8), 5031-5042.

[17] Bao, Y., Wei, C., Wang, C., Wang, G., & Li, Q. (2014). Geochemical characteristics and generation process of mixed biogenic and thermogenic coalbed methane in Luling coalfield, China. Energy & Fuels, 28(7), 4392-4401.

[18] 查学芳,吴攀,李学先,陈世万,黄家琰,李清光,陈思睿.基于水化学与硫同位素的卡林型金矿区岩溶水文地球化学特征及控制因素[J/OL].环境科学:1-15[2022-11-04].DOI:10.13227/j.hjkx.202112141.

[19] 陈健,陈萍,姚多喜,郭江峰,刘震,陆佳佳,李清光,刘文中,胡友彪.云南省临沧市勐托新近系褐煤的微量元素地球化学特征[J].地学前缘,2016,23(03):83-89.DOI:10.13745/j.esf.2016.03.011.

[20] 卜红玲,琚宜文,王国昌,房立志,颜志丰,李清光.淮南煤田煤系泥页岩组成特征及吸附性能[J].中国科学院大学学报,2015,32(01):82-90.

[21] 黄强盛,李清光,卢玮琦,杨伟红,王仕禄.滇池流域地下水、河水硝酸盐污染及来源[J].地球与环境,2014,42(05):589-596.DOI:10.14050/j.cnki.1672-9250.2014.05.021.

[22] 琚宜文,王桂粱,卫明明,谭锋奇,鲍园,王国昌,李清光,NeupaneBhupati.中新生代以来华北能源盆地与造山带耦合演化过程及其特征[J].中国煤炭地质,2014,26(08):15-19+38.

[23] 琚宜文,李清光,谭锋奇.煤矿瓦斯防治与利用及碳排放关键问题研究[J].煤炭科学技术,2014,42(06):8-14.DOI:10.13199/j.cnki.cst.2014.06.002.

[24] 琚宜文,李清光,颜志丰,孙盈,鲍园.煤层气成因类型及其地球化学研究进展[J].煤炭学报,2014,39(05):806-815.DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2014.0086.

[25] 乐琪浪,杨为民,邱德生,李清光.煤层薄煤带展布特征及其与层滑构造关系分析[J].煤炭科学技术,2009,37(11):106-109.DOI:10.13199/j.cst.2009.11.111.yueql.013.

[26] 赵志根,吴基文,李清光.桃园煤矿二、四采区瓦斯涌出量预测模型研究[J].能源技术与管理,2007(06):43-44.



[1] 李清光,刘沛,顾尚义.稳定同位素质谱仪与《环境同位素》课程教学探讨[J].教育教学论坛,2019(24):155-158.

[2] 李清光.关于环境地学课程教学改革的几点思考[J].教育教学论坛,2020(26):208-209.

[3] 李清光.一流学科建设背景下《岩溶学》教学改革探析[J].创新创业理论研究与实践,2022,5(15):49-51.



[1] 琚宜文,鲍园,李清光. 煤系气成因类型及其富集分布[C]//.中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第17届学术年会论文摘要集,2019:1179.

[2] 李清光,吴攀,顾尚义,龚朝兵,颜智华,常溪溪. δ13C-DICδ34S-SO42-对喀斯特煤矿区矿井水酸化过程的响应[C]//.中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第17届学术年会论文摘要集,2019:851-852.

[3] 李清光,琚宜文. 煤系地层水水化学演化特征及其与生物气的响应研究[C]//.2018年中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集(十九)——专题38:沉积岩系改造与能源矿产赋存、专题39:同位素热年代学理论、方法与应用、专题40:变质作用过程的观察与模拟.2018:14-16.

[4] 孙盈,琚宜文,Neupane Bhupati,谭锋奇,鲍园,李清光. 构造演化对页岩气聚集和赋存的控制作用——以鄂尔多斯盆地为例[C]//.2015中国地球科学联合学术年会论文集(十)——专题28电磁地球物理学研究应用及其新进展、专题29盆地动力学与能源、专题30活动断层、地震构造与深部结构.2015:72-74.

[5] 琚宜文,谭锋奇,孙盈,吴建光,王国昌,李小诗,鲍园,颜志丰,于立业,卫明明,李清光,Neupane Bhupati. 盆地滑脱构造及其页岩气赋存研究进展[C]//.2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会——专题57:盆地动力学与非常规能源论文集.2014:9-12.

[6] 李清光,琚宜文,谭锋奇,鲍园,王国昌,卫明明. 生物成因煤层气生成途径与判别标志及产气实验进展[C]//.2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会——专题57:盆地动力学与非常规能源论文集.2014:110-113.

[7] 黄强盛,王仕禄,李清光,卢玮琪. 滇池流域无机氮特征与硝酸盐来源的研究[C]//.第七届全国环境化学大会摘要集-S12 重金属污染与修复.2013:72.